Know Why India Needs to Focus on the Education of its Children

Everyone in this world knows that education is the key to success for each and every individual to be a person with uniqueness and value for its living which can further lead to their happiness all in all. But the condition of today’s education system in India is like the give and policy which we experience in the general day to day marketing it’s going like those who have money they can be taught and can be made a successful happy individual but those who can’t pay so much of amount in their education would be left uneducated which would further lead to their unhappiness, poverty, etc. which becomes the main reason to for a huge country like to face the increasing gap between rich and poor as by all these means the richer is getting richer and the poorer is getting poorer day by day. And the main authority who should be working and resolving these issues is not so much equipped and responsive to these problems when we see this for our India as a whole with such a huge ...