
Showing posts from August, 2020

About Role Of NGOs In Rural Transformation

  The development of rural India is very important for the whole development of India. Despite consistent efforts by the government, there are many issues plaguing rural India starting from agriculture to malnourishment. That is why the role of NGOs in transforming the scenario of rural India is so important. Below are some of the ways NGOs are transforming the very core of Indian society. Agriculture is the base of India’s economy; with more than half the population of India engaged in the agriculture-related economy, it is very important that rural India has all help when it comes to agriculture. The issues that often plague farmers in our country that we are still dependent on weather for it to work. Another issue that is actually the leading cause of a farmer’s death is debt. Loan sharks feed on vulnerable farmers and just one season of crop failure can lead a farmer to the brink of death. The NGOs help by providing easy access to seeds, agricultural tools,...